Friday, August 21, 2009

Vans Warped Tour

so... i ended up getting two tickets for this for free from my cousin. i gave the other ticket to my nigga kevin,the doors opened at 11 but we figiured that none of the good bands were going to play that earlyso we went at 1. this time we went semi prepared unlike the fray jack' concert w hich was nothing compared to this one "Are yall riday fer sum peeanoo?!" lawlz the day started out pretty good we stopped by 7-11 to get some bawlz and fish.

every time that we go to mt. view we always see a person that exactly or extremely similar to someone that we know( future tuan, bizarro janet ect) this time we saw
"Angry Akash (the taxi driver)" and "fat thanh" and that is not an insult thanh

So this is "Angry Akash"

and here's his taxi

anywayz here are the bands in order

Hit the Lights

We got hella lucky we came in and went to the big stage and sat down and then they came on. after their set kevin bought a schedule so we could see the bands that we wanted to see.

We the Kings

Every Avenue

i got to admit that was a handsome man.... no homo

All Time Low

this one was fun the crowd got really in to it and i ended up getting to the very front

The White Tie Affair

i love going to concerts theres nothing like be covered in the sweat of random people mmmmzzz >:]

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